Tuesday, 12 March 2013

A Host of Golden Daffodils!

I wandered lonely as a cloud,
that floats on high o'er vales and hills,
when all at once, I saw a crowd,
a host, of golden daffodils...
I know Spring was here; I felt the warm sunshine, I saw new shoots in the garden, buds on the trees. Now, it seems it has been temporarily replaced by snow and freezing temperatures!
However, as the song goes; it may be winter outside but in my heart it's Spring!
And nothing says Spring like daffodils!!
A bunch of mixed daffodils to greet us on the hall table...
 A Spring lithograph by Marcelle D. Shears...
I took out this lovely Crown Royal china for a nice cup of tea...
And the Crown Devon too...

For oft, when on my couch I lie,
In vacant or in pensive mood,
they flash upon that inward eye,
which is the bliss of solitude,
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
and dances with the daffodils... 


  1. Aren't they just the cheeriest of flowers, and I love the china. Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog, x

  2. Oh, did you have snow as well? I was so ready for spring, and bam! Snow! I love the teacups, they are so delicate and cheerful!

  3. I love your Buttercup teacups. They are so pretty.


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