Sunday, 24 March 2013

An Eclectic Mix!

As last Sunday was St. Patrick's Day; Monday was a bank holiday which meant we had a nice long weekend here in Ireland. My husband and I went to a car boot which is held on bank holidays in a neighbouring county. There was a really good turnout despite the bitterly cold weather.  
What can I say, the items that made it home are an eclectic mix!

 From an old toolbox; came an old carpenter's ruler...

This also came from the carpenter's toolbox,
I have something in mind for it...

An old flour sieve...

A cattle/horse trimmer... This was a freebie from the same seller! The jury is still out!!

A cute little egg storage box which is going to get a face lift...

And this lovely carriage lamp...

This is the piece de résistance on a recent outdoor project (and upcoming post!).

Oh, I almost forgot this fine fellow...

 He wasn't at the car boot. We found him elsewhere and he practically begged us to take him home for Easter....


  1. I've never seen an egg holder like that - very very interesting! We just put our eggs in the fridge.

  2. That rabbit would have hopped in my car too! :)

    Love the egg holder. Such treasures.

  3. Great finds! The carpenter tools are very interesting to look at and the egg cabinet is adorable.

  4. Can't wait to see what you do with those items. As you say, a right mixed bunch. I'm hoping the weather may warm up a bit to find a car boot sale next weekend (Easter), x

  5. Oh!!, the carpenter's rule reminds me of my Dad. He always carried one with him, although he was an electrician, and I loved 'playing' with it as a child. And ... it is now mine, since he passed away a few years ago in Australia and my sister sent it over for me. I love the egg box as well - such possibilities! Well done on all of your finds - especially the Hare. xx

  6. Okay, my favourite??? The carriage lamp!! I LOVE it. Okay, and yes I do love that bunny as well... and the egg cabinet. :)

  7. What great finds! But by far, that carriage lamp is my favorite.

  8. Brilliant finds! I am having huge withdrawal symptoms from car-booting as they haven't started here yet! Lizzie

  9. What great haul, love the hare and egg storage box.

  10. Cool finds! I lived in the UK for about 8 years and was hooked on car boot sales. Never quite knew what you were going to find!
    Just wanted to say sorry I haven't responded to your Liebster Award - I have a post half written, but just not getting back to it right now, so just wanted to let you know I haven't forgotten you!
    Hope all is well with you, Cheers, Jacinta (one little acorn)


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